Be good to your servant while I live,
that I may obey your word.
18 Open my eyes that I may see
wonderful things in your law
Well, so far this first summer at Camp Tamarack has been very eye opening in many different ways. I blogged in June about the behind the scenes stuff that it takes to get camp ready for the season. That continued for the rest of the summer. I learned something new every week, if not every day on what it takes to keep the camp up and running.
I learned that everyone has a story and a place they are coming from when they come to Camp. You have to listen to and honor that in everyone. It might not always jive with where you are coming from, but that is where learning and growing comes from.
My eyes have been opened to different ways of approaching faith. We have had some rental groups that don't have the same theological background or ideals I have, but it's ok. What we did have in common such as the love of this space was enough to start a conversation.
God has spoken me to in many different ways this summer and has gotten his point across each time. Some took a little longer for me to catch on than others! He spoke to me through the campers and leaders and I truly saw miracles happen. He spoke to me through nature and I learned lessons from ducks and squirrels. He spoke to me through my family and the hardship of not being at home for an extended period of time. He spoke to me through silence.
I hope that everyone has a chance to have their eyes opened in a new way to new things or maybe even seeing the same things in a different way!