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Monday, May 6, 2013

This is really about that

When I arrived at the office this morning I found a stack of registrations waiting to be entered into the database and have confirmation letters sent back to campers. It was a pretty cool site to see.

I will let you in on a secret, before the camping seasons and the Winter Youth Retreats last year and this year I was afraid not one person would sign up. I know that is just plain silly, but it was a real fear that went through my brain - more than once. It is also a selfish fear. You see, sometimes I have a tendency for things to be about me. About my need for approval as the new Director of Camping Ministries, my need to make sure things are just right and my need for success.

Camp is not about me, camp is about a space where God can work in people's lives in whatever way that needs to happen. Where I do fit in to God's plan is to help make that successful and safe.

One thing I have learned (out of many things) so far in my tenure in this role is that the way one person experiences God is not the same way someone else does or needs to.

There is a book I read where the author looks at the Bible and breaks down some of the themes and stories. What was interesting was he pointed out that most of the time what we think is the initial message is really about something else if you understand the wording or history behind it. I am finding that same pattern in my interactions with family, friends, co-workers. What starts off as one topic really turns in to another. We just have to take the time to get there and follow the clues.

Is there something you are worried about or angry about? Is the issue really that topic or is there something else?

1 comment:

  1. I am worry about not finding a job when camp is over.
