I am looking forward to working with everyone again.
What's Up at Camp Tamarack right now?
*Entering in all the registrations and sending back the confirmation letters.
*Trying to design and order new t-shirts and sweatshirts.
*Ordering canteen/craft barn supplies.
*The big one is lining up all the volunteers that we need for this to be a success! I am sending out a flier to all the Baptist churches in the area to help recruit, but I also wanted to post this here. If you know anyone that would be a great cabin leader please send them my why. We do want camp to be a success and there are many factors that go in to getting leaders set up. For example, the commission and I have come up with some guidelines:
For Primary, Middler and Junior camps, anyone in
High School or older may volunteer to help.
For Junior High we would like leaders that have been
out of High School for at least a year.
For Senior High we would like leaders that are 21
and older.
There are exceptions and it is up to the weekly Directors to decide if someone is a good fit.
Our Jr. High and Sr. High camps are short on cabin leaders so let your family and friends know!
We also had some excitement on our farm last weekend and I leave you with a picture of our new litter of baby kitties to celebrate spring!

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