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Monday, February 20, 2012

Almost 40 days til Easter

John 14:6
"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

This time I am spending in the office each week preparing for the camping season reminds me a little of the time that starts this week as we prepare for Easter.

Prior to learning more about the Director job, I went to camp, enjoyed my time and always walked away with a heart full of love and a spirit that was renewed in Christ and all God has done for me. Now I understand what goes in to getting ready for the camping season - finding staff, volunteers, supplies, state certificates, financial stuff and so on. I have a better appreciation for what is to come and how it will need to managed.

Prior to learning more about the Lent season, I always thought it was something Catholics did. There seemed to be a lot of ritual and going through the motions. Now I see this as a different experience. Someone once explained to me that you "don't give up" something for Lent. The idea is to take up your own cross and be mindful of what God did for us while you struggle to deal with your choice. Lent is 40 days to prepare your mind and spirit to accept the miracle and sacrifice that Jesus took for us. I have done this for a few years now and my celebration of the Easter service has changed. I have a much better appreciation and understanding after preparing my heart those 40 days. 

This isn't to say that this is the only time I do these things, but with the craziness of life, it does give me a focused time to spend in prayer and preparation. I had been going to a Lutheran Church for several years and I have to admit, I do like some of the rituals they observed.

Remember that you are dust and to dust you shall return.

Do you observe Lenten practices? What meaning do they hold for you?


  1. While it can be difficult for me to always be "positive", I hope to prepare each day of Lent with a happy and joyful heart full of thanksgiving. I detest being driven by schedules but for this Lenten season I'll be starting a new job and I want to commit to a Tuesday eve Bible Study, Wednesday Lenten Service as well as Sunday services. It seems like still not enough when I count my blessings and consider the ultimate price my Lord paid for me! May you all have a meaningful Lenten season and Easter!

  2. I have prepared for lent as a child at the Catholic masses and as an adult in the Lutheran worship services. As a Catholic, we always gave up meat on Ash Wednesday and every Friday until Easter. As a Lutheran, I always tried to give up sweets and always focused on a certain section of the bible to work through in bible study.

    This year, our Pastor put a different spin on our Lenten journey and invited us to "add some sort of spiritual practice to our life and faith - by attending bible studies, or to try being creative thru the arts ( music, art, etc) or spend time with your family uninterrupted each day.

    Next week, we begin our study of Lamentations and I hope to make it to all of the sessions.

    Blessings to all through our journey,

