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Monday, February 6, 2012

F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely on God)

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:17

I am not used to people helping me. There, I said it. I don't want to offend anyone that has helped me in the past, but I am not one that usually asks for help or at least I try not to ask for help. I am the one who tries to help others or figures out a way to get things done.

Lately, I have had some wonderful people that have helped me. Some of it, I had to ask for and some of it was unsolicited. I'll be honest that at first it was a little weird to ask for help. For some reason in my brain I needed to take care of everything and do it all. Well, as am I sure all of you know - I can't do it all! (Neither can you!)

I had a wonderful boss that used to tell me that I can do anything, I just couldn't do everything as I volunteered for more projects and more work. Boy was she right and I have to remind myself of that from time to time as I add more to my plate.

The problem with feeling that you can do everything is sometimes you start to rely on yourself vs God. If I only do this and this and this it will work out vs trusting that God knows what He is doing and will take care of us. Part of relying on God is also relying on His agents to help you whether you know you need the help or not. Sometimes the agents and the method He uses isn't quite what you had in mind.

This new role with Camp Tamarack means that I will be relying on God and His agents to be Directors, Leaders, Health Officers and such. I can't do it all. So far He has brought amazing people in to my life to support Winter Youth Retreat and volunteers/staff for this summer.

Where is God pushing you to trust Him and to be grateful for the support you have gotten?

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