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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sometimes I get angry

Ecclesiastes 7:9 Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the bosom of fools.

Sometimes I get angry with my husband.
Sometimes I get angry with co-workers.
Sometimes I get angry with people who don't know how to drive.
Lots of times I get angry with inanimate objects.
Mostly I get angry with myself, but sometimes I do get angry with God.

I have always believed that God is big enough and can take it. I still believe that.
Last week I was talking with my daughter about an after school activity and what she was going to do. I used sarcasm. Maybe a little too much sarcasm. She turned away and pretended to read her book when really she was sobbing. 
I felt horrible. It wasn't anything that important. It wasn't worth crying over. She had every right to be mad at me. We then had a thirty minute conversation and it was wonderful, plus we figured out what she was going to do with the after school activity.

As the parent I could take her anger and shape it into something good even though I caused the pain.
I don't think God intends to cause us pain and make us angry, I think that is our human nature. I do think God uses those times in our lives to have a conversation with us and figure out what we are going to do.

God is having conversations with me right now. I am listening. I don't always like what I hear. Sometimes I don't know if I can do what He is asking of me, but I am almost at a place where I am willing to try.

Is God looking to have a conversation with you? Are you ready and willing to listen? Are you ready and willing to take action?

“Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be.” ~ Thomas A’ Kempis

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