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Monday, January 9, 2012


Proverbs 27:17
As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend

There is a song by Michael W. Smith called Friends and part of the lyrics state that "friends are friends forever if the Lord is Lord of them". (Yes, I am a total 80's girl!)

I have been thinking a lot about that song this week and my friends as I start preparing for the Winter Youth Retreat the end of this month. This is a chance for campers to see friends that they haven't seen since this summer.

Now, things are a little different for campers as many can connect by telephone/texting on FaceBook, via e-mail, Skype, Twitter and probably new venues that I don't even know about. I had snail mail and the occasional telephone call. I do remember once meeting at Green Lake for a retreat. Plus there were the friends you went to school with.

That leads me back to the song by Michael W. Smith. As I was thinking about my friends this week, most of my close friends are my friends because the Lord is the Lord of them. It is amazing everything you go through - boys, colleges, moving, poor decisions (usually on my part and sometimes because of boys), jobs, and now husbands, kids and families - and are still friends. By friends, I mean true friends that you can talk to and pick up where you left off whether it was yesterday or 10 years ago. I just had lunch with a friend like that yesterday. Lori and I met in Jr. High because our last names began with S so our lockers were next to each other, went to camp together and graduated High School. We have since gone to the same college briefly, lived near each other in the Fox Valley, gotten married, had our daughters at about the same time and dealt with some of those poor decisions (again, usually on my part and sometimes because of boys). At lunch yesterday it took us all of 30 seconds to get in to that in depth conversation where you know you are safe and can speak without feeling like you are being judged. How great is that!

I have so many friends that help to sharpen me and keep me where I need to be! You know who you are and if you are wondering if you are one and are reading this - chances are good that you are!

I am excited to see friends reconnecting later this month and to see new friendships being formed in Christ.

Shalom ~ Carolyn

P.S. Michael W. Smith is on tour this winter - March 4th he is in Rockford, Ill. (

Here is the Camp Tamarack webpage:


  1. To those who were able to enjoy Camp Tamarack as youth and build their relationships with the Lord and each other, I am a bit jealous. You must have great memories.

    I was able to enjoy Tamarack as an adult when I helped Rev Keith Epps out as a camp counselor for about 8 summers. I was able each summer to connect with a cabin full of active boys as well as meet many other neat campers and some super adults that also took time off to help counsel.

    I often think back to a really neat man I met at camp and had the pleasure to work with on a couple of summers. His name was Pastor Dave Stratton. We had many talks, went running together, and planned some really neat activities to accomplish during the week.

    One of my absolute favorites with Dave was on a week when the theme was about Jesus - the Teacher. We did a lot of stuff that week but the capper to me was the last campfire. Rev Epps set it up to be held at the lake which was the first time down there that whole week. Pastor Stratton and I sneaked out a rowboat and hid out on the far shore of the lake. Darkness was descending and we watched as the campers all came down and formed their circle, started their fire going, and began to sing and have a good time. When it was getting really dark Rev Epps quieted the group and said “What’s that I hear out on the lake?” Well, we timed it so as the group looked out over the lake I quietly rowed the boat into the swimming area. As we entered the circle of light from the campfire here was Dave standing in the bow in full white robes, dark beard, and booming voice raising his arms to bless the “multitudes” and addressing them as Jesus would with “Hi guys, how are you doing?” He then gave a little homily on how “He” was at work in their lives that week. We then slipped back out into the dark lake. You could have heard a pin drop after his initial greeting, which was pretty funny when you think about it. I sure hope some of the campers took that home as a really positive experience/memory.

    And then there were times I’d flip the canoe on unsuspecting camper-paddlers, but I won’t talk much about that now.

    How fantastic for Carolyn and Lori to continue their friendship. And now their daughters are progressing into a “second generation” friendship. Neat!

  2. Thoughts from the friend:

    It was Carolyn who invited me to camp the summer after 7th grade (I think she promised we'd meet boys! :) I came from a churched background, but it wasn't until Tamarack that I recognized my need for a savior and accepted Jesus. Of course, nothing is the same after that.

    It was Carolyn's family who squeezed this extra kid in their backseat on countless trips to Waupaca, Green Lake, and Rio. I am forever grateful.
